Foster Fuels Sponsorships
We are proud to support the efforts of organizations making a difference in our community.
Academy Center of the Arts
It’s important to Foster Fuels to give back to a community that’s given it so much, and one of the organizations that we give back to is the Academy Center of the Arts. We really are just the cultural arts center in delivering arts and culture to the under-served here. And we view ourselves also as a service organization, first and foremost. And, so, we look at the arts as a service for our community.
Amazement Square
My name is Emily Joseph. I’m Senior Vice President here at Amazement Square. Amazement Square is a hands-on children’s museum, and we work to create an engaged community of lifelong learners by sparking creativity, imagination, and critical thinking skills. Our hope is that we can instill in all children and families a real love of learning. We work to expose children to a variety of disciplines, exhibitions that are traveling the country, cultural opportunities, and we go into schools as well to meet unmet educational needs. Without the support of community-minded corporations and businesses like Foster Fuels, frankly, none of this would be possible. As a nonprofit, we depend on our community partners to help us meet the needs of the community. By making a donation to Amazement Square, it really makes it possible for us to deliver the very best we can to this area. Thank you, Foster Fuels!
This year, during the month of December, the employees of Foster Fuels decided to collect nonperishable food items for an organization called B.E.A.M.—B.E.A.M. is Brookneal Emergency Assistance Ministry. We provide food for families in need. We also have fuel assistance, medicine assistance, and also with electric bills.
Elizabeth’s Early Learning Center
I’m Jane Gerdy and I’m the Executive Director of Elizabeth’s Early Learning Center. It was founded by Elizabeth Forscythe. She built Elizabeth’s Early Learning Center to provide care and quality education for preschool-age children, from six weeks old until they start kindergarten. Foster Fuels has been a very generous donor to our program. We have a scholarship fund; donors like Foster Fuels help us to support children who are economically disadvantaged or some have physical disabilities, who wouldn’t be able to normally afford to come to a preschool. Thank you, Foster Fuels!
Jubilee Family Development Center
The Jubilee Family Development Center creates opportunities for local families to build a strong foundation and thrive through education, athletics, and occupational development. Foster Fuels is proud to support their team as they plant seeds throughout our community which grow into sustainable families.
Learn more about the Jubilee center and learn how you can get involved:
Liberty Flames Athletics
I’m Alan York with Liberty Flames Athletics. One of my main goals here, working with Liberty Flames Athletics, is to be able to provide a product for fans when they aren’t able to come to games. We’ve got a lot of audio and video mediums for you to be able to keep up with the Flames when you aren’t able to come to games. Everywhere you go, you see Foster Fuels. When these two companies came together, it’s a lot of synergy. So it’s been a great partnership and one that we look to continue down the road. Foster Fuels, thank you for your support of Liberty University and the athletics department. We cannot do it without you!
Miller Home for Girls
Foster Fuels supports organizations that contribute to youth development, and that’s why we support the Miller Home.
The Miller Home is a non-delinquent home for girls, and we take in girls ages 4–21. Most of our referrals are middle and high school age girls. Every girl has a different story, but the one thing that they have in common is that they can’t live at home. Sometimes it’s mental health, sometimes it’s behavior, sometimes it’s parents’ inability to take care of them.
Patrick Henry Family Services
My name is Robert Day. I’m the CEO of Patrick Henry Family Services. We’re an organization that has been providing residential care facilities for children [ages] six to 18 who simply have nowhere to go. I got involved because my own story is very similar to the children that we serve. I was in and out of the foster care system, so I am trying to do my part to keep that from happening for other kids. At Patrick Henry we don’t receive any government funds, so we are dependent on the generosity of our donors who believe in our mission and see our vision and help us to accomplish it. Thank you, Foster Fuels!
Foster Fuels supports Puzzled because we think autism is important and we think the community is important. Puzzled started in 2014 as a way to raise money for kids with autism. Where most all the money goes to is the Rivermont School.
Rustburg Dixie Youth Baseball
Brian Neighbors, Rustburg Dixie Youth Baseball. My goal, personally [for] myself, is to teach them that attitude and effort is the biggest thing—it turns over to the game. The contribution from Foster Fuels helps that goal because it gives us the assets to provide what the kids need here at the complex, those key assets that we need to continue this organization to grow. Thank you, Foster Fuels.
Thomas Road Outpost
My name is Jim Rebsamen and I’m the Executive Director here at the Thomas Road Outpost. Thomas Road Outpost is a ministry of Thomas Road Baptist Church. We are going to be reaching thousands of people from all over the East Coast with the gospel of Jesus. The life change that these kids experience through this place is really really awesome. This whole project would not be possible without the generosity of the Foster Family. Their generosity of giving us this property, their providing propane for all of our buildings, and the whole company has been so generous to Thomas Road to get this whole program launched. Thank you, Foster Fuels!