Alternative Solutions to heating oil

If your home is heated by oil, you may have recently noticed your energy bill increasing. Many United States homeowners are experiencing increases in their monthly heating oil bills in 2023 due to issues with the supply chain, increase in demand and rising oil prices.

As a result, some residential owners are looking for alternative solutions to heat their homes. Fortunately, homeowners have various options, including propane, kerosene, natural gas and electricity. Below, you’ll learn more about some of the choices you have and their benefits and drawbacks.

What Is Heating Oil?

Heating oil is any type of oil used for heating purposes, most commonly a low-viscosity grade of fuel used in household furnaces to supply heat. More specifically, No. 2 heating oil is used to heat residential buildings and is closely related to diesel fuel.

Heating oil has many benefits, including safety, efficiency and durability. Heating oil doesn’t burn in its liquid state, so a potential leak won’t become a fire hazard. Heating oil can also provide plenty of heat within a home, making it an ideal choice for homeowners looking for an efficient way to heat their homes. Heating oil is also durable and can last years if you maintain it correctly.

Homeowners can store heating oil in tanks above ground outside their homes. The average size of heating oil tanks is about 275 gallons, and homeowners can have their heating oil delivered from their fuel provider when it’s running low.

Why Consider Alternatives to Heating Oil?

While there are many benefits of heating oil, it’s not perfect. Fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource, meaning there’s a limited supply available, and as the supply dwindles, prices will increase.

Home heating oil prices in the United States are currently reaching all-time highs, mainly due to pandemic supply chain problems and a shortage in global oil supply. Residential heating oil prices in the U.S. are as high as $4.606 per gallon as of January 2023.

If you want to fill a 275-gallon tank, you would pay around $1,266.65 to top it off with the January oil prices. Many homeowners in colder parts of the country can use anywhere between 850 to 1,200 gallons of heating oil throughout a typical winter, which quickly adds up.

Plummeting temperatures also significantly impact the price of heating oil, as there’s an increase in demand. Regional prices in colder areas may be higher due to the increased demand and supply chain challenges. Ultimately, purchasing heating oil today could put a financial strain on many families with heating oil systems, especially in places in the U.S. where home heating is a necessity in winter.

If you’re noticing an increase in your monthly utility bills, consistent breakdowns or problems keeping your home warm enough, it could be time to replace your heating oil system with a better alternative.

What Are the Alternatives to Heating Oil?

There are plenty of options to choose from when it comes to finding an alternative to heating oil. Below are some of your options when it comes to heating your home.

1. Propane

Propane is an excellent alternative fuel source to heating oil. Propane fuel is readily-available, clean-burning and 90% domestically produced. You can use propane fuel to heat your entire home or provide heat to various appliances, such as an electric stove, fireplace or water heater.

Switching To Propane Benefits

Switching to propane can help you save on your monthly expenses, which is significant for homeowners who want to switch from heating oil due to the high costs. Some of the other benefits of propane include:

  • High-efficiency ratings
  • Shorter running intervals
  • 20-year life span with the proper maintenance
  • Prices unaffected by international events

2. Kerosene

Kerosene is another effective alternative to heating oil to help you warm your home in the winter, especially because it’s very similar to heating oil. Kerosene is a popular heating choice for residents, especially in rural areas. On top of heating, you can also use kerosene in camping stoves, lanterns and various small appliances.

There are many benefits of kerosene, including a long shelf life and fewer hazardous fumes. However, it’s essential to note that there can be some problems with availability. The right fuel provider can help you understand the advantages and disadvantages to make an informed decision about your heating options.

3. Natural Gas

Another option is natural gas, which is more efficient and burns cleaner than heating oil. Natural gas furnaces can help you reduce your monthly heating costs while reducing your environmental impact. You also won’t have to worry about arranging fuel deliveries, and your repair and maintenance costs should decrease because natural gas furnaces are far more efficient at heating a home than heating oil.

Consider your available space, as natural gas furnaces tend to be larger than electric models. You’ll also want room for the natural gas furnace to vent the gases it creates, such as carbon dioxide, so it doesn’t pose a health risk to your family.

However, it’s essential to remember that natural gas contains methane, which is detrimental to the environment. If you’re looking for a fuel source that can help you reduce your carbon footprint, natural gas may not be the best opinion. Instead, you should consider a fuel source like propane, which is better for the environment than natural gas, as it doesn’t contain propane.

4. Electric

Another standard option for home heating is electric, which is more readily available than natural gas. However, propane is a primary energy source, whereas electricity is a secondary source, making propane the more available option between all three options. Some homeowners still use electricity to power their heating appliances.

Electric furnaces are smaller than natural gas furnaces, so they’re better for homeowners with less space. Electric models also tend to be quieter than natural gas versions, and they’re safer because you don’t have to worry about emissions.

However, it’s important to note that electric furnaces are more expensive and less efficient than other options. If you want whole-home heating, you’re better off using propane, kerosene or natural gas. Electric furnaces may be ideal if you heat a small home or a single room.

Let Foster Fuels Help You Find an Alternative Heating Solution

contact Foster Fuels

If you’re looking for an alternative method of heating your home instead of heating oil, Foster Fuels is here to help. We offer multiple heating options for homeowners to help them achieve whole-home heating and live comfortably. We’re a family-owned business with years of experience in the heating industry, so our team can help you find a heating solution that reduces your monthly bill and keeps your family warm.

We also have auto-fill services, meaning you won’t have to worry about running out of fuel. Our team will check your fuel levels and fill them up accordingly, ensuring you’re stocked for winter. If you’re ready to switch from heating oil, contact us today to learn more about what we offer!